The seventh Doctor strips were published in Doctor Who Magazine for almost 10 years.
The first part of the original run (issues 130 to 162) occurs as Ace is supposely visiting in the Cretaceous Period.
The strips folowing Ace's return to the TARDIS (issues 164-211) take place after Timewyrm: Revelation according to Marvel's 1993 cross-over guide, likely following on the previous stories.
A Cold Day in Hell Writer: Simon Furman Pencils: John Ridgway Inks: Tim Perkins |
Issues 130-133 |
The Doctor and Frobisher are heading for a holiday on the planet A-Lux but, when they arrive, they find that it’s far from the paradise they expected. Instead, the Ice Warriors who plan to turn it into a new Mars have transformed the planet into a snowy wasteland. Aided by Olla, a Dreilyn (a heat vampire), they manage to restore the planet to its correct temperature and the Ice Warriors are defeated. Frobisher, however, has decided enough is enough. He’s missing Peri and decides to part company with the Doctor permanently. The Doctor departs A-Lux in the TARDIS with Olla joining him as his new companion.
Time-Placement: The Doctor and Ace decide they should go their separate ways at the end of Cat's Cradle: Time’s Crucible. They're reunited again soon after in Cat's Cradle: Warhead. We've decided to insert the bulk of the original run of Doctor Who Magazine strips in this gap.
Redemption Writer: Simon Furman Pencils: Kev Hopgood Inks: Tim Perkins |
Issue 134 |
The Doctor, now travelling with Olla, is rather “disturbed” by her waiting on him hand and foot. The TARDIS is caught in a tractor beam and Olla’s former master, Skaroux, boards the ship. At first it looks as though Olla is on the run from Skaroux because he was a mean master but then the truth emerges. Olla is on the run from Skaroux, along with most of his money. The Doctor hands Olla over to Skaroux on the condition that she gets a fair trial. With Skaroux and Olla gone, the Doctor travels on alone.
Time-Placement: After A Cold Day in Hell.
The Crossroads of Time Writer: Simon Furman Artist: Geoff Senior |
Issue 135 |
The Doctor manages to crash the TARDIS in the time vortex. Rather than crashing it into a spaceship though, he manages to crash it into Death’s Head, a sixty-foot mechanoid bounty hunter. The Doctor accidentally shrinks Death’s Head down to a more manageable size through use of the Master’s Tissue Compression Eliminator and cons him into entering the TARDIS. He programs the console to latch onto the nearest mechanical organism and sends Death’s Head through the vortex to eighty-second century Earth…
Time-Placement: After Redemption.
Claws of the Klathi Writer: Mike Collins Pencils: Kev Hopgood Inks: Dave Hine |
Issues 136-138 |
The TARDIS materialises in the smoggy streets of Victorian London, near the home of gentleman scientist Nathaniel Derridge. Someone has been breaking into scientists' homes and stealing invaluable equipment, and when the Doctor learns that scorched bodies have been found near the docks, he decides to investigate with Derridge's help. They find an alien spaceship lying in the riverbed; it and its robot guardian are hidden from view by the smog. When they return to Derridge's home, they are greeted by a policeman with a strange story; Caval, the reptile boy from a nearby freak show, was caught stealing from a street vendor, and when he was knocked unconscious in the ensuing struggle his body began to glow. The Doctor realises that Caval is an alien in a healing coma, and when Caval recovers, he explains that his friends the Klathi have had him stealing equipment so they can repair their ship and escape from the Earth. But when Caval describes the ship's crystalline power source, the Doctor realises that it will kill thousands of people when the Klathi re-energise it. He, Caval and Derridge rush to the Great Exhibition, where the ruthless Klathi intend to use Osler's crystal fountain to energise the power unit; the Doctor stops them and saves the visitors to the Exhibition, but the Klathi escape, still intending to take off even though the launch of the ship will destroy London. The Doctor, Caval and Derridge pursue them back to the ship, where Caval finally acknowledges the Klathi's evil, and orders his robot Batella to stop them. Batella, confused by the conflicting instructions he has been given, stumbles into the ship and explodes, killing the Klathi. Caval returns to the freak show, which is now the only home he knows.
Time-Placement: After The Crossroads of Time.
Culture Shock Writer: Grant Morrison Artist: Bryan Hitch |
Issue 139 |
As the Doctor sits on a beach and ponders his rootless life, he hears a telepathic cry for help from what appears to be a small mammal. In fact the animal is only a host for a sentient cell culture, which is under attack from a virus. The Doctor injects the animal with a cure, and carries it to the ocean, where the culture can achieve its full potential. Touched by the culture's boundless gratitude for its saviour, the Doctor returns to the TARDIS and resumes his journeys.
Time-Placement: After Claws of the Klathi.
Keepsake Writer: Simon Furman Artist: John Higgins |
Issue 140 |
Picking up a distress signal from the planet Ryos, the Doctor goes to investigate. However, his attempts to rescue the medic that sent the signal aren’t successful and he ends up being pursued by the natives. He’s rescued by Keepsake who was only there because he thought that there might be something worth salvaging from any wrecks. Together they rescue the medic and the Doctor leaves Keepsake to return the medic home. Keepsake doesn’t complain, the medic just happens to be a rather attractive and generously proportioned woman…
Time-Placement: After Culture Shock.
Planet of the Dead Writer: John Freeman Artist: Lee Sullivan |
Issues 141-142 |
While fishing on the planet Adeki, the Doctor stumbles across a concealed entrance to a subterranean city. The streets are littered with bodies, and as the Doctor studies them his former companions appear -- Adric, Sara, Katarina, Jamie and Peri -- and begin to fight over who will accompany him away from Adeki. When the Doctor tries to intervene, they turn into monsters and chase him through the streets; however, the Doctor is rescued by his previous incarnations, who claim to have been brought to Adeki by a temporal distortion. They identify the monsters as Gwanzulum, a race of shape-shifters, and as they return to the TARDIS the Doctor finds illustrations on the tunnel wall depicting the Shaper Wars; Frobisher's species, the Whifferdills, were all but wiped out, and the last of the Gwanzulum were stranded on Adeki -- where they drained the life force from the native species in order to survive. The other Doctors try to follow the Seventh into the TARDIS, but he locks them out, realising that they are also Gwanzulum. He departs, leaving the Gwanzulum to wait for another traveller to stumble across Adeki and provide them with a means of escape.
Time-Placement: After Keepsake.
Reprinted in Doctor Who Classic Comics #14
Echoes of the Mogor Writer: Dan Abnett Artist: John Ridgway |
Issues 143-144 |
The TARDIS materialises in a human survey base on the planet Mekrom, but the Doctor finds the base deserted, apart from a single dead body. The crystal ore lying next to the body has retained the dead man's empathic patterns, and the warmth of the Doctor's touch activates a holographic recording of the dead man describing his expedition's discoveries. A Foreign Hazard Duty team arrives in response to the expedition's distress call, and they assume the Doctor to be the team's medical officer. Although all of the evidence suggests that the planet's former inhabitants, the warlike Mogor, are extinct, two FHD team members are attacked by a Mogor while exploring the base; however, when the Doctor studies their bodies, he finds that they in fact died of shock brought on by terror. When he accesses the expedition's data files and learns that the empathic crystal came from this very planet, he realises the truth, and leads the FHD team to a seam of the ore to demonstrate. The "Mogor" which attacked the others was not real, but merely an echo from the crystals; and its victims, and the expedition members, died of terror. When another Mogor attacks the FHD team, the Doctor dispels it by refusing to accept its reality. The FHD team departs, to report that there were in fact no murders on this planet.
Time-Placement: After Planet of the Dead.
Time and Tide Writers: Richard Alan / John Carnell Artists: Dougie Braithwaite / Dave Elliott |
Issues 145-146 |
The Doctor arrives on the planet Tojana, on the only island which has not yet been swallowed by the incoming tides. The TARDIS is washed out to sea while the Doctor is trying to work out where he is, and he is then captured by the inhabitants of the island, who have accepted their fate and are engaged in a hedonistic final party. Life is now cheap, and the natives slaughter each other at the least provocation. The Doctor tries to convince them that life is still worth living, but eventually gives up on them in disgust and builds a raft for himself. The elderly "Worrier" accepts the Doctor's arguments and joins him on the raft. As predicted, the tides rise and the island is covered by the sea, and only the Doctor and the Worrier survive. The Doctor finds the TARDIS floating nearby, and departs, leaving the Worrier to drift on the tide and greet the uncertain future with hope.
Time-Placement: After Echoes of the Mogor.
Follow that TARDIS! Writer: John Artists: Andy, John, Kev, Dougie and Dave |
Issue 147 |
The Meddling Monk accidentally materialises his TARDIS -- disguised as a porta-toilet -- in the path of a car owned by the Sleeze Brothers, El Ape and Deadbeat, totalling the car. The Doctor arrives to prevent the Monk from fiddling the next Presidential election, the Monk flees. Determined to exact payment for his totalled car, El Ape holds the Doctor at gunpoint and forces him to follow the Monk to Tunguska, 1908, where El Ape sets off a mini-nuke in the Siberian forest to flush the Monk out of hiding. The Doctor then takes his passengers to a liner in the Atlantic Ocean, in 1912, but doesn't realise exactly where he is until El Ape rams the Titanic into a nearby iceberg, believing it to be the Monk's TARDIS in disguise. The Monk's damaged TARDIS lands on an island near Bermuda in 1945, where the Monk is forced to abandon ship. The Doctor drags him to safety and they flee, just as the Monk's TARDIS implodes into the time continuum, causing the passing Flight 19 to vanish into thin air. The Doctor then takes El Ape and Deadbeat back to their own time, and kicks them out before they can cause any more damage to history.
Time-Placement: After Time and Tide.
Invaders From Gantac Writer: Alan Grant Pencils:Martin Griffiths Inks: Cam Smith |
Issues 148-150 |
While trying to reach his his friend Bonjaxx's birthday party on Maruthea, the Doctor materialises in 1992 London and learns that aliens from Gantac have invaded the Earth and are rounding up its entire population for questioning. The Doctor interrupts the capture of a homeless man, nicknamed "Leapy" due to his flea infestation, and is captured by the aliens and taken to Hyde Park for interrogation. There, he learns that the aliens have come for the fabulous treasure of Zantar Wrouth, and informs them that they've invaded the wrong planet. Leapy attempts to rescue the Doctor, just as Yaga, the over-mother of the Gantac species, arrives to take personal charge of the mission. The Doctor manages to explain to Yaga that Zantar Wrouth is an unflawed diamond the size of a planet, on the other side of the galaxy. Yaga decides to destroy Earth anyway to avenge his humiliation, but as he attempts to kill the Doctor, Leapy intervenes -- and his fleas attach themselves to Yaga and begin feeding. Yaga assumes he's being assaulted by invisible aliens and orders his guards to open fire, which they do without hesitation -- killing Yaga, and thus themselves.
Time-Placement: After Follow that TARDIS!
Nemesis of the Daleks Writers: Richard Alan / Steve Alan Artist: Lee Sullivan |
Issues 152-155 |
The Doctor materialises on the planet Hell, which has been conquered by the Daleks. Abslom Daak and his fellow mercenaries have been shot down over the planet, and only Daak has survived. He and the Doctor join forces to find out what the Daleks are doing here, and they find that the native Helkans have been put to work mining the poisonous helkogen gas from beneath the surface of the planet. The Doctor, Daak and a party of Helkans hijack a shuttle and head for the Death Wheel the Daleks are constructing in orbit, but they fail to transmit the proper security codes and are captured. Daak escapes, and discovers that the Daleks are building a genocide machine with which they will be able to gas entire planets. Daak rescues the Doctor and the Helkans, and while fleeing, they locate the Death Wheel's reactor core. Daak sends the Doctor and the Helkans to safety while he pilots a Dalek anti-gravity disc into the reactor, destroying it, blowing up the Death Wheel, and saving the planet at the cost of his own life.
Time-Placement: After Invaders From Gantac.
Reprinted in the Abslom Daak Dalek Killer Graphic Novel
Stairway to Heaven Writers: Paul Cornell / John Freeman Pencils: Jerry Dolan Inks: Rex Ward |
Issue 156 |
The Doctor, aiming for the Chardaz Museum of Modern Art, lands in a jungle near a gigantic staircase made of bricks and bones. There, he sees an odd creature which hatches from an egg and develops the ability to breath fire within seconds. The creature bakes a brick out of clay from the jungle floor, snaps a bone from one of the hundreds of skeletons scattered about the base of the stairway, and climbs. The Doctor follows it to the top, where he stops it from leaping to its death after it has laid its brick in place. The staircase has nearly reached the roof of the jungle, and the Doctor opens up a panel in the ceiling to reveal that he has materialised inside the latest piece of art by the genetic sculptor Garg Ardonquist, who intends it to symbolise the struggle and sacrifice an artist must make in the process of creation. The Doctor accuses him of torturing his creations in the name of art, but Ardonquist dismisses his boorish criticism. Ardonquist's creation, however, assumes that it has found Heaven and leaps joyously at its creator, and the unprepared Ardonquist topples into the sculpture. He and his creation fall to their deaths at the base of the sculpture. The Doctor escapes back to the TARDIS while the museum's security guards pick up bricks from the stairway, which will now be considered collectors' items.
Time-Placement: After Nemesis of the Daleks.
Hunger From the Ends of Time Writer: Dan Abnett Artist: John Ridgway |
Issues 157-158 |
A space warp draws the TARDIS to the library world Catalog, where the librarians have recently modernised the storage systems, converting their data to energy patterns and storing them in the past, present and future. An FHD team has been called to the library to clear out an infestation of quantum bookworms which have been consuming the information, but when they try to draw one out of the systems to destroy it their weapons only cause it to grow larger. The Doctor reverses the trap, draining energy out of the creature and killing it, and then uses the TARDIS to analyse the damage to the library. He discovers that the "bookworms" are in fact elemental forces of chaos, drawn back from the edges of Time by the chronal field generated by the library's new filing system. To prevent the bugs from destabilising the structure of Time, the Doctor and the FHD team retranslate the surviving data back into hard copies, and close down the new filing system.
Time-Placement: Originally released as part of The Incredible Hulk Presents run of comics, it's placed
with the other Hulk strips after Stairway to Heaven.
Reprinted from The Incredible Hulk Presents #2-3
Train-Flight Writers: Andrew Donkin / Graham S. Brand Artist: John Ridgway |
Issues 159-161 |
The Doctor visits his former companion Sarah Jane Smith and offers to take her to a jazz concert at Albert Hall, and although she accepts, he is hurt by her distant attitude towards him. As they take the London Underground to their destination, their train stops in the tunnel, and the Doctor senses that they've passed through a transmat beam. He convinces the reluctant Sarah to help him investigate, and they depart the train to discover that the "tunnel" is in fact an illusion; they are on an alien spaceship in orbit around the Earth. As they investigate, the Doctor apologises to Sarah for his abrupt dismissal of her, and they finally make peace with each other. They are then confronted by the ship's owners, renegade Kalik, members of a peaceful race with a warrior heritage. These Kalik are attempting to reclaim past glories by hunting other species and selling their flesh on the black market. The Doctor challenges the Kalik leader to hunt him through the warren, and he and Sarah manage to evade the hunters and use shards of abandoned Kalik eggs to start a fire in the control room. There, the Doctor rewires the hypnotic control which the Kalik had used on the kidnapped humans, sending the Kalik themselves into a trance. He then reprogrammes the ship to take the Kalik home to face justice, and uses the transmat to send the subway train directly to the Royal Albert Hall station so he and Sarah can attend their concert. Sarah reminds him, too late, that there is no such station.
Time-Placement: After Hunger From the Ends of Time. Reference is made to Ace being in the Cretaceous Period.
Reprinted in The Mark of Mandragora Graphic Novel
Doctor Conkerer Writer: Ian Rimmer Artist: Mike Collins |
Issue 162 |
The Doctor materializes in 5th-century Britain
to pick up some horse chestnuts for his solitaire conkers tournament, and meets a young Saxon boy who shows him to a field where chestnuts lie abundantly on the ground. On his way back to the TARDIS, however, the Doctor finds that the boy has been kidnapped by Viking raiders. He
sets their longships on fire to provide a distraction and defeats the lone Viking guarding the prisoners by hitting him over the head with a conker. The boy returns safely to his village as the Doctor departs, unaware that he's just introduced the game of conkers to the world.
Time-Placement: Originally planned as an Incredible Hulk Presents comic strip, so we've put it just after Nineveh.
Reprinted in The Mark of Mandragora Graphic Novel
Fellow Travellers Writer: Andrew Cartmel Artist: Arthur Ranson |
Issues 164-166 |
The Doctor takes Ace to a creepy deserted mansion in the English countryside, where he walks into the groundskeeper's cottage without waiting for an invitation and informs the keeper, Ella, that something evil is on its way. Ella tells the Doctor to get out and calls the police, but moments later, her sullen mother-in-law's cat transforms into a monster and attacks Ace. The Doctor saves Ace from the monster, and they retreat to the house with Ella, Mrs Lacy, and Ella's daughter Lizzie. The police are also attacked by the cat-monster when it arrives, but the Doctor lures it into the police car and Ace blows it up using a gasoline-soaked rag and one of the policemen's cigarette lighters. As the shaken police depart, the Doctor informs Ace that the cat was possessed by a "hitcher", a disembodied entity which latched onto the TARDIS in the Vortex; and hitchers always travel in pairs. Back in the mansion, the second hitcher transforms Mrs Lacy into a reptilian monster who attacks Lizzie, believing it's not right that her son married a woman of another race and mixed their blood. The Doctor stops Ace from interfering, telling her that the hitcher feeds on rage and hatred; and when Lizzie is threatened, Ella's rage becomes more powerful than Mrs Lacy's, and the hitcher passes to her. The monstrous Ella subdues her mother-in-law, and the hitcher falls dormant within her, to wait until she needs it again. All has unfolded as the Doctor planned, and as they depart, Ace realises that the mansion itself belongs to the Doctor.
Time-Placement: Ace has returned. Marvel's 1993 cross-over guide states that all the strips from Doctor Who Magazine 164 to 211 take place after Timewyrm: Revelation, so
we continue to place these stories in chronological order after Train-Flight.
Reprinted in The Mark of Mandragora Graphic Novel
Darkness Falling / Distractions
/ The Mark of Mandragora Writer: Dan Abnett Pencils: Lee Sullivan Inks: Mark Farmer |
Issues 167-172 |
The Doctor is worried by the statistically significant number of recent alien visitations to Earth, and a chance comment from Ace leads him to the answer; the TARDIS is still infested with energy from the Mandragora Helix, which has been hiding away and growing in strength for years, and is now strong enough to draw the Doctor and other alien species to Earth for some reason. As he and Ace search the TARDIS, they find its corridors warping out of shape around them, and find themselves in the cellar of the Falling Star nightclub in turn-of-the-century London. Captain Muriel Frost and Sergeant Jasper Bean of UNIT have infiltrated the club to look for evidence that its owner, Stranks, is dealing the drug Mandrake. When Stranks finds them, Bean shoots a bouncer through the chest as he and Frost escape, but Stranks transforms the dying man into a monster which pursues them and kills Bean. Frost meets the Doctor and Ace, and together they escape when the Doctor tricks the energy-based monster into shorting itself out on a metal staircase.
Back at UNIT HQ, Frost informs the Doctor that alien energy patterns have been detected in samples of Mandrake, and the Doctor suspects that there may be a connection to his own problem, as Mandrake is another word for Mandragora. He, Ace and Frost take a backup team to the nightclub, where they find the cellars full of Mandrake processing facilities, and a massive energy rig in the shape of a double helix. The cellar is now linked directly to the interior of the TARDIS, and the Doctor realises that the Helix is using his ship as a bridge between Earth and the Vortex; however, the strain is too much for the TARDIS, which could blow up at any moment.
Stranks captures them all, and reveals that Mandrake is designed to sap its users' willpower, turning them into willing slaves of the Helix. The Helix has been testing the Doctor for some time, setting him against alien enemies on Earth to see how he deals with them, and it is now confident that it can out-think all of his plans. Stranks summons the Helix to Earth, and the youths on the dance floor, all Mandrake users, welcome the energy into their bodies, transforming into energy-monsters. As the Helix's power grows it will consume the Earth and transform it into another energy helix -- and the two combined will form a double helix of pure energy capable of reproducing itself and consuming the Universe. As the critical moment approaches, the Doctor finds himself powerless and hopeless -- until a sudden power surge detonates the power rig, banishing the Helix from Earth once again. The Doctor concludes that the TARDIS finally succumbed to the strain and exploded, but when he and Ace return to UNIT HQ with Frost, the TARDIS is waiting for them. The Doctor realises that it just jolted into gear at last and materialised, breaking the link with Mandragora and saving the world.
Time-Placement: After Fellow Travellers.
Reprinted in The Mark of Mandragora Graphic Novel
Party Animals Writer: Gary Russell Pencils: Mike Collins Inks: Steve Pini |
Issue 173 |
The Doctor finally reaches Maruthea, a construct at the centre of the space-time continuum, where literally anything and everything can happen. There, he finally gives his Daemon friend Bonjaxx a birthday present, and he and Ace meet a future incarnation of himself and his companion Ria. As the two Doctors chat, a drunken Meep starts a bar brawl, and although Ace and Ria enthusiastically participate, the Doctors decide they must be going. But even as these Doctors depart, another is arriving...
Time-Placement: After The Mark of the Mandragora.
The Chameleon Factor Writer: Paul Cornell Pencils: Lee Sullivan Inks: Mark Farmer |
Issue 174 |
The interior of the TARDIS suddenly transforms
into a forest, and as the Doctor and Ace climb the tree in the centre of the former console room the Doctor tries to remember what caused this, vaguely recalling that he lost something important during his second incarnation. Visions of past threats appear to him; the Virus from Titan, the Mandragora Helix -- all things which have penetrated the interior of the TARDIS. A raven gives Ace a ring and then transforms into a vision of Sutekh. Ace, surprised, falls out of the tree, as the Doctor, finally understanding, apologises to the TARDIS for his lack of thought. The console room returns to normal, and the Doctor identifies the ring as the one he wore in his first incarnation. It must have fallen inside the console and interfaced with the chameleon circuit, causing untold damage to the TARDIS in the process. He decides to start wearing it again.
Time-Placement: After Party Animals.
The Good Soldier Writer: Andrew Cartmel Pencils: Mike Collins Inks: Steve Pini |
Issues 175-178 |
The TARDIS pulls into a service station in 1950s Nevada, in the shape of a vintage Cadillac. A squad of soldiers, led by Colonel Rhodes, are nervously anticipating an attack by flying saucers, but instead their unknown enemy lifts an entire section of the desert out of the landscape and transports it to a waiting shuttle, which in turn takes it to a much larger warship. Cybermen dig up through the ground and attack the service station, killing most of the soldiers; only the Doctor and Ace escape. The other survivors are taken prisoner, and Rhodes is electronically brainwashed to believe that he is fighting the Red Chinese; thus conditioned, he shoots and kills the rest of his squad. The Cybermen decide that he is a suitable acquisition, and wire him into their warship's control pod. The Doctor explains to Ace that the Cybermen intend to use this ship to attack Earth, but first they need an aggressive, warlike pilot. He steals one of the interface mechanisms the Cybermen used to connect Rhodes to the ship, and Ace uses it to interface through the TARDIS to the shuttle which brought them here. The Cybermen pursue the escaping shuttle, and when an escape pod is launched, the Cybermen use a tractor beam to bring it back aboard the warship -- but the Doctor and Ace are still on the shuttle, and the escape pod contains an overloading reactor. The reactor explodes, destroying the warship, and delaying the Cyberman invasion until the historically accurate 1986.
Time-Placement: After The Chameleon Factor.
A Glitch in Time Writer: John Freeman Artist: Richard Whitaker |
Issue 179 |
The TARDIS is dragged to a nexus point in prehistory, where the Doctor and Ace meet a group of hunters who believe that nothing they do here can alter the future history of the planet. Ace tries to delay them while the Doctor investigates the nexus point, but when the hunters attempt to kill one of the first mammals to evolve on Earth, the Doctor arrives and stops Ace from interfering. A group of time-travelling intelligent dinosaurs then materialises, on a big game hunt from their future -- a future in which the human race never evolved, because these human hunters killed off their own ancestors. But when the lizards tear apart the horrified humans, they all disappear into the nexus. The Doctor explains to Ace that this paradox was self-correcting; history has been restored to what it should be, because the humans were killed by the result of the change before they had the opportunity to cause it.
Time-Placement: After The Good Soldier.
Evening's Empire Writer: Andrew Cartmel Artist: Richard Piers Rayner |
Issue 180 |
Only part one was published. This story
was completed in 1993 and published in the Holiday '93 Special.
The Grief Writer: Dan Abnett Pencils: Vincent Danks Inks: Adolfo Buylla / Robin Riggs |
Issues 185-187 |
Three thousand years ago, the voracious Lom attempted to invade and destroy the planet Sorsha, but the Sorshans sealed their world behind an impenetrable barrier and released a virus which destroyed the Lom forever. The barrier has finally lifted itself, and the Doctor takes Ace to pay his respects to the dead Sorshans, only to find a contingent of Earth marines sent to salvage Lom technology from the planet. Their linguist, Skrane, manages to translate enough of the Lom language to enable Lieutenant Frethil to activate a machine called "the Grif" -- which begins to generate a new army of Lom warriors. The Lom slaughter the marines and place their bodies in the Grief, providing it with enough raw genetic material to create a new army. Soon the Lom will be released upon the galaxy again, and the sacrifice of the Sorshans will be rendered meaningless. Skrane, blaming himself, sends the Doctor and Ace to safety while he repairs and reactivates the barrier controls. The Doctor and Ace escape just as the Lom break into the control centre and kill Skrane -- but not before he reactivates the shield and virus dispersal units, ridding the Universe of the Lom once more.
Time-Placement: After A Glitch in Time.
Ravens Writer: Andrew Cartmel Pencils: Brian Williamson Inks: Cam Smith / Steve Pini |
Issues 188-190 |
Christine Jenkins and her seven-year-old daughter Demi run out of gas on a stretch of British motorway, and pull into a service station -- only to find that the vicious youth gang known as the Ravens have killed everyone at the station and are using the blood in a ceremony to summon a demon. Centuries beforehand, in medieval Japan, a warrior also known as the Raven fails to save his own wife and child from bandits. He slaughters the bandits and waits for death, but the Doctor appears instead and manages to convince him that there are other battles to be fought, other women and children to save. The Doctor takes the Raven to the service station, where the Ravens assume that their ceremony has worked until the Raven himself emerges from the TARDIS and kills them. The Doctor rescues Christine and Demi as the Raven fights the youths, and then stops him from killing Annie, the last of the Ravens. Annie goes forward from that night to tell her story to the other youths of Britain, and remind them about the importance of compassion and mercy.
Time-Placement: Set during Cat's Cradle: Warhead.
Memorial Writer: Warwick Gray Artist: John Ridgway |
Issue 191 |
The Doctor takes Ace to a small English town, Westmouth, to meet the elderly Simon Galway at the town's cenotaph. Simon has been drawn to the memorial by dreams of a world dying in fire and memories of his brother's death during the war. The Doctor reveals that Simon has been dreaming about the Telphin, a race of artists accidentally slaughtered by the warlike Chaktra due to a garbled intelligence report. The last work of art constructed by the Telphin psycho-sculptors survived, and the Doctor brought it here to rest and grow in strength; but as it required a living host, he implanted it in the mind of the young Simon Galway. The seed has now reached maturity, and it separates from Simon and manifests itself as a spirit of peace. Simon thanks the Doctor for his gift as the Telphin life force departs.
Time-Placement: After Nightshade according to Cat Litter.
Cat Litter Writer: Marc Platt Artist: John Ridgway |
Issue 192 |
While Ace cleans up the mess resulting from the near-destruction of the TARDIS by the Process, the Doctor studies the ship's greyprints and ponders how best to conduct repairs. Fed up with the Doctor's ignoring her, Ace heads for the console room, where she notices a map of the TARDIS on the scanner. She considers getting rid of some of the redundant rooms and is surprised when the rooms promptly delete themselves, apparently at her whim. The reconfiguration runs out of control and Ace scrambles through the TARDIS as it restructures itself, looking for the Doctor. As the changes settle down she finds herself in an unfamiliar bedroom, where the Doctor finds her and informs her that she wasn't responsible for the changes; he had set the TARDIS on a random reconfiguration mode to shake things up a little. And for some reason, it has deleted Ace's bedroom and put a new one in its place, almost as if it is planning ahead for something.
Time-Placement: After Memorial.
Pureblood Writer: Dan Abnett Artist: Colin Andrew |
Issues 193-196 |
Despite a satellite defense system programmed to block out any Rutan electrical signatures, an alien fleet has managed to attack and destroy the Sontaran homeworld. Marshal Stave evacuates with the Sontaran racepool and takes it to the Lauren Corporation's genetic research facility, in orbit around the planet Pandora, to breed a new generation of Sontaran warriors. The Doctor and Benny show up just in time to be taken prisoner with the rest of the station's crew, but when the Sontaran's geneticist is killed in a freak accident, Stave is forced to turn to the humans for assistance. The Doctor discovers that one of the "humans" is a Rutan agent in disguise, but convinces Stave to interrogate the Rutan rather than killing him outright. The Rutan reveals that a survey team recently located an ancient colony of Sontaran purebloods which had been cut off from the homeworld before the conflict with the Rutans began; they were able to convince the purebloods that the Sontarans had turned their back on its martial past and tainted their bloodline through cloning, and the outraged purebloods thus attacked and destroyed their "weakling" descendants.
The purebloods track down Stave's fleet and prepare to attack, but the Doctor convinces Stave to give him a chance to negotiate. He sends Benny to the brig to speak with the Rutan and takes the TARDIS to the fleet leader's ship. There, he shows Admiral Vorn a transmission from the station, and Vorn watches in horror as Benny tricks the Rutan into admitting that his species intends to wipe out the purebloods once they have destroyed the racepool and outlived their usefulness. Vorn contacts Stave, begs forgiveness and places his forces under Stave's command. In gratitude for the Doctor's services, Stave agrees to release his prisoners back to Terran space and to erase all knowledge of the human race from the racepool, sparing them the Sontarans' martial ambitions.
Time-Placement: This strip feature Bernice alone and the Doctor wears his light jacket, so it takes place betweenLove and War and The Highest Science.
Emperor of the Daleks Writers: Paul Cornell / John Freeman Artist: John Ridgway |
Issues 197-202 |
The Sixth Doctor, playing out his part in a plan he won't see completed in this lifetime, takes Peri to Skaro and uses a computer virus to disrupt the Daleks' systems and rescue Davros from his trial. When the Daleks finally regain control, they decide to use one of their greatest enemies to locate the other. Abslom Daak is thus plucked out of his timeline moments before dying in the Death Wheel over Hell; the Daleks use humanoid robots to convince him that he's been brought back to Earth, and send him back to Hell to capture the Seventh Doctor. The Doctor and Benny have just arrived on Hell to find that Daak's old shipmates aren't dead after all, and when Daak arrives the Daleks transport them all back to Skaro. The Doctor uses the remnants of his virus to evade capture briefly, but the Daleks have planted a gas trap in the body of Daak's dead lover Taiyin, and when Daak tries to recover her body the trap is triggered, enabling the Daleks to capture them all -- and ensuring that Taiyin will remain dead forever.
The Daleks fit the Doctor's companions with mind-controlling devices, and force him to lead them to the planet where he took Davros. On the way, he questions the Black Dalek in charge of the expedition, and learns that there are elements on Skaro who believe that Davros should be allowed to return to power and shape the future course of Dalek evolution. The expedition lands in a jungle filled with hostile vegetation, and the Doctor leads them to a pyramid where Davros is waiting -- with an army of Daleks, the survivors of the lost Spiridon expedition, which he has conditioned to serve him. As the opposing Dalek factions do battle, the invisible natives join in and enable the Doctor and his friends to escape. The Doctor's friends destroy the Dalek shuttles, and the ships in orbit are destroyed when Davros' pyramid reflects their own weapons fire back at them. Davros then captures the others; although he had promised the Doctor he would reintroduce concepts such as pity and compassion to the Daleks, he has not done so, and instead he threatens to kill Benny slowly unless the Doctor takes him back to Skaro, uses his computer virus to let Davros seize control, and then tells him all about the Hand of Omega he'd mentioned while helping Davros to escape.
The Doctor does as requested, and Davros' army of Daleks conquers Skaro and exterminates the former Emperor. But just as Davros appears triumphant, the Doctor reveals that he'd released Daak from his bonds earlier, and Daak destroys the Daleks guarding them and also incapacitates Davros. The Doctor then summons the TARDIS, and he and his companions flee as the virus sets the city reactors to overload and explode. The Doctor takes his friends to the planet Paradise to relax, and explains to Benny that he's been setting up events which he has already experienced; Davros will survive the explosion, build a new army of Daleks, and head for Earth in 1963 to seize the Hand of Omega -- resulting in the destruction of Skaro.
Time-Placement: The Doctor is alone with Bernice and wears his brown jacket, so after The Highest Science.
Final Genesis Writer: Warwick Gray Artist: Colin Andrew |
Issues 203-206 |
The Third Doctor and the Brigadier are killed in a gigantic explosion…
Landing the TARDIS in a parallel world, the Seventh Doctor finds that Silurians and humans are walking side by side, seemingly living in harmony together. However, strange creatures are attacking UNIT troops (called URIC, United Races Intelligence Command in the parallel world), which are repelled through use of a neuro-paralyser. The Doctor convinced URIC that he’s a friend and, working with the Silurian scientist Thactus, discovers that the creatures are a crossbreed of reptiles and mammals. The Doctor and Thactus go to fetch equipment from the Doctor’s TARDIS but are held hostage by a mind-controlled Captain Paris. Benny saves them having noticed that Paris had stopped blinking ten minutes ago and the Doctor mind links her to Paris to find out what’s going on. Benny learns that their enemy is Mortakk but getting the information costs Paris her life. Thactus informs them that Mortakk was the blackest character in Silurian history, who had conducted genetic experiments on Silurians and Sea Devils. However, he was tried and executed before the great hibernation. His base is located at an abandoned nuclear research centre at Darkmoor and the Doctor, Benny and Thactus take the TARDIS there. They find Mortakk there and Mortakk announces his plan. He’s developed a gas, which contains mutagenetic properties. Upon contact with human or Silurian life, they will be forcefully evolved into the hybrid creatures. URIC turns up with Ace in the (dead) third Doctor's TARDIS but their neuro-paralyser isn’t effective against the more advanced hybrids. The Doctor fights Mortakk in a sealed room and ends up releasing the gas. Mortakk is killed and the Doctor, who’s DNA is so vastly different from that of a human, walks away unaffected by it. Benny, the Doctor and Ace depart the parallel world, neither companion knowing the real reason the Doctor took them there in the first place.
Time-Placement: The Doctor's white outfit and the reference about alternative universes suggest this story takes place after Blood Heat.
Time and Time Again Writer: Paul Cornell Artist: John Ridgway |
Issues 207 |
The Black Guardian changes history so that the Doctor never left Gallifrey; as a result, the Earth has been conquered several times and is now a battleground between alien species. To put matters right, the White Guardian gives travel rings to the Doctor, Ace and Benny, and sends them in search of the six segments of the Key to Time, which scattered along the Doctor's personal timeline when he last disassembled it. Benny takes the Second Doctor's hat from the Land of Fiction, and takes a jelly baby from the Fourth Doctor as he flees from Mandrels on Eden. Ace fences with the Third Doctor in Sir Reginald Styles' home, and departs with his sword; she then catches a cricket ball hit out of bounds by the Fifth Doctor at Lord Cranleigh's match. The Doctor himself takes the cat badge from his bitter sixth incarnation, who knows that his future incarnation intends to cut short his sixth life; he then saves his first incarnation from a Dalek while taking the TARDIS manual. Once the six segments are reassembled, the White Guardian puts history right. Once more, the Doctor fled Gallifrey with Susan and the Hand of Omega, to fight evil and begin a legacy of good works that will live on long after he has gone.
Time-Placement: Arbitrary set at the end of the Alternate History Cycle after No Future because of the similar nature of the story.
Cuckoo Writer: Dan Abnett Artist: John Ridgway |
Issues 208-210 |
The Doctor takes Ace and Benny to the village of Lifton in 1855, where young Mary Anne Wesley, a budding young paleontologist, is stirring up controversy in the village for her "unwomanly" pursuits. Mary Anne has recently discovered an unusual skeleton, and the Doctor is here to stop her from presenting it to the world; it is in fact the skeleton of an alien, and any attempt to work it into a theory of human evolution will inevitably fail and set back human science by centuries. Ace bows out of the Doctor's attempt to play God, but while walking alone on the beach she finds the remains of a human scientist, Dr Thomas Gideon. Dr Gideon himself appears to have arrived at the Wesley's home, where, much to the Doctor's surprise, he heaps scorn upon Mary Anne's discovery and drives her from the room in tears. As Benny and Reverend Wesley try to comfort her, the Doctor confronts Gideon, realising that any true human scientist would have been fascinated by the discovery. Gideon transforms into his true reptilian form and tries to kill the Doctor, but Ace arrives just in time and overpowers him. When the alien revives he identifies himself as a Surcoth, one of a race of explorers; he is here to recover the fossilised body of his ancestor, who was lost on this world millions of years ago. The Doctor is disgusted by the Surcoth's arrogant dismissal of the human races and the casual murder of Gideon, but when he turns his back the Surcoth breaks his bonds and attacks him again, for interfering in his noble mission. However, the Doctor gets the upper hand when he threatens to destroy the fossil, and forces the Surcoth to plead with him to spare it. Having taught the alien a lesson in humility, the Doctor allows him to depart, while Bernice comforts Mary Anne and takes her for a walk on the beach -- where Mary Anne finds a fossilised ichthyosaur which will secure her place in history.
Time-Placement: The Doctor wear his white outfit from White Darkness. Arbitrary set in chronological order after Time and Time Again.
Uninvited Guest Writer: Warwick Gray Artist: John Ridgway |
Issue 211 |
A party of Eternals are celebrating the end of their latest game when the Doctor arrives unexpectedly. As they have done so often before, the Eternals have manifested themselves as gods and have given the power of the atom to a world of primitives, and then watched in amusement as the world tore itself apart. The Doctor has come to put an end to these games. He presents the Lord Prospero with an unwanted gift -- a shard of the Time Vortex which sweeps the Eternals into reality. From this day forward they will be mortals, as ephemeral as their former toys.
Time-Placement: There is no companion travelling with the Doctor, so we place if after Lungbarrow.
Ground Zero Writer: Scott Gray Pencils: Martin Geraghty Inks: Bambos Georgiou |
Issues 238-242 |
When the Doctor and Ace visit the carnival at Notting Hill in 2082, Ace is kidnapped by an agent of the business known as the Threshold. The Doctor, alone on the streets, catches a glimpse of his grand-daughter Susan, and follows her to Isaac, another Threshold agent. Isaac frees Susan from his mind control and finally reveals to the Doctor that the Threshold have been working under his nose for the past 150 years, setting their own plans in motion. The human race is empathically united through their collective unconscious, which exists on another plane of reality -- but creatures born of hatred and fear have bred there and developed sentience. These creatures, the Lobri, hired the Threshold to find an escape route, and the Threshold decided to send humans directly into the Lobri's realm, for them to feed on until they had enough strength to break free by themselves. However, only time-travellers could survive the stress of the journey through dimensions, and the Threshold have thus kidnapped Sarah, Peri, and now Ace (they kidnapped Susan as well before realising that she wasn't human). When the Lobri escape from the collective unconscious, it will be destroyed, and the human race will descend into a riot of blind xenophobia as every human being becomes alienated from every other.
The Doctor steals Isaac's Threshold ring and pilots the TARDIS into the collective unconscious; Isaac had claimed that only humans could survive, but the Doctor and Susan arrive intact, although the TARDIS console room is shattered by the journey. The Lobri are feeding on Peri's terror, but Ace escapes from her bonds and uses nitro-9 to drive them off -- and then the Doctor arrives and uses Isaac's ring to open a gateway into the heart of a sun, destroying one of the Lobri. Isaac then takes back his ring, and as the two surviving Lobri attack, Ace tries to defend the Doctor. One of the Lobri pins her down, but as it prepares to feed on her she pulls the tab of her last nitro-9 canister, killing both it and herself. The last remaining Lobri has enough strength to flee to Notting Hill, but not enough to destroy the collective unconscious behind it. The Doctor carries Ace's body into the TARDIS and returns to Notting Hill, where, due to the damage it has suffered, the TARDIS materialises in the same space as the Lobri, splattering its remains across the street. The Doctor confronts Isaac, realising that the Threshold deliberately used him to dispose of the Lobri while fulfilling their contract to the letter, and vows to avenge Ace's death. He then removes Susan and Peri's memories of events, takes them and Susan back to the timelines from which they were kidnapped, and departs, alone.
Time-Placement: The older Doctor travels with a younger version of Ace. If we are to accept this story as canon, let's put it after another hard one to explain. We are assuming
that he timeline has been somehow messed in Death Comes to Time.
The Last Word Writer: Gareth Roberts Artist: Lee Sullivan |
Issue 305 |
The Doctor sends Benny to the year 1981 to join a Brit-pop band, while Ace fights Chelonians in the 57th century. They're supposedly there to look for distortions in history, but in fact the Doctor has sent them there to change history, and thus draw the Timewyrm out of hiding by giving it a food source. He has built a device with which to trap the Timewyrm forever, but it appears to fail; the Timewyrm has shed its physical existence and now exists only in Puterspace. The Timewyrm casts the Doctor into Puterspace to drift forever -- but when it then attempts to feed on the time distortion Benny and Ace have caused, it finds that doing so has returned history to normal. It is cast back into Puterspace, where the waiting Doctor reveals that his device has altered the structure of the Timewyrm's data stream so it can never emerge into the real Universe again. He then uses the device to transport himself back to the TARDIS, where the irritated Ace and Benny watch as he writes a novel based on their adventure.
Time-Placement: The Doctor wears his white outfit from White Darkness and travels with both Ace and Berncie. As the TARDIS console room is the one before Final Genesis, it must takes place before that story. We set it just before the
beginning of the Alternate Universe cycle since there's no reference to it in this story.
Note: This strip celebrates the 10th anniversary of Virgin Publishing's 'New Adventures'.
Seaside Rendezvous Writer: Paul Cornell Pencils: Gary Frank Inks: Stephen Baskerville |
Summer 1991 |
Following newspaper reports of mysterious disappearances, and a story from a 19th-century ship's log, the Doctor takes Ace to a British beach to wait for something bad to happen. There, while firemen struggle to extinguish a fire in a nearby building, a monster made of sand rises from the waves and kills a hot-dog vendor. Ace holds the creature off until the Doctor and the firemen can spray it with water, dissolving it. The Doctor reveals that the creature was an Ogri, which had been worn down to sand and given form by the skeleton of a sailor it had consumed in the 19th century. He uses the sand to put out the fire, ensuring that the Ogri will not reassemble itself.
Time-Placement: The Doctor's jacket suggests this story takes place at some point during Seasons 25, but certainly no later than The Greatest Show in the Galaxy.
Flashback Writer: Warwick Gray Artist: John Ridgway |
Winter 1992 |
The Doctor shows Benny a recording of an event from Gallifrey's past. A Time Lord named Magnus had found a sphere composed entirely of artron energy, and had brought it into real space with the intention of draining it dry and providing Gallifrey with an inexhaustible new power source. His old friend "Thete", who was now one of his bitterest rivals, arrived to observe the process, and realised that the sphere was alive -- and that the energy drain was killing it. When Magnus refused to stop, Thete destroyed the station's equipment, releasing the sphere. The Doctor tells Benny that after much deliberation the Time Lords commended Thete for his actions; any hope of a reconciliation between Thete and Magnus died that day, and they have been bitter enemies ever since.
Time-Placement: The Doctor is wearing his outfit from White Darkness. Since Ace does not seem to be in the TARDIS, we set this story in the aftermath of Shadowmind.
Evening's Empire Writer: Andrew Cartmel Artist: Richard Piers Rayner |
Holiday 1993 |
The Doctor takes Ace to Middlesbrough, where she checks property records from the 1940s while Colonel Frost of UNIT dredges the canal for a German fighter which was apparently shot down during WWII. The Doctor builds a machine which enables her to communicate with the dead pilot's mind, and she confirms that, as the Doctor had suspected, the crash was caused by a collision with an alien spacecraft. Now they must find out what happened to it. Ace still hasn't returned, and when the Doctor visits the property records hall he becomes suspicious of the young clerk Alex Evening. He follows Evening to his home, a shed just outside his mother's house, where he finds that Evening has been using the crashed ship -- a tiny ship the size of an aircraft model -- to kidnap women and place them in his own fantasy world. The Q'Dhite explore the Universe, seeking out new intelligences and weaving realities from their fantasies, but Alex has twisted their powers to kidnap beautiful women from and send them to an imaginary empire where they are forced to humiliate themselves for his amusement. The Doctor uses the TARDIS to take Frost and her troops into Evening's empire, but the UNIT forces are slaughtered by Evening's secret weapon, a flying Bible created from his deep-rooted fear of his mother's obsessive faith. The Doctor finally realises how to stop him, and uses the TARDIS to transport Alex's mother into his fantasy world. Her presence destroys the illusion, both figuratively and literally. The Doctor takes the survivors back to the real world, where they find that the destruction of Alex's empire has driven him into a coma from which he will never recover.
Plastic Millenium Writer: Gareth Roberts Artist: Martin Geraghty Letters: Elitta Fell |
Winter 1994 |
The Doctor and Mel gatecrash a New Year’s Eve party being thrown by Alisha Hammerson, head of Hammerson Plastics. The Doctor knows that she’s an Auton and explains to Mel exactly what that means. He also gives his friend a small test tube of liquid. Alisha announces to the gathered crowd that she wishes to buy them all out and, when the crowd refuses she has her Auton servants gas them all, including the Doctor and Mel. The Time Lord regains consciousness at Alisha’s factory where he is shown the Nestene Consciousness. He tries to destroy it by throwing a vial of liquid at it but when that fails, Mel tips the contents of her tube into the tank containing the one-eyed creature. Alisha dies and the Doctor and Mel depart.
Time-Placement: Mel is wearing an outfit quite similar to the one she wore in Paradise Towers, so we place this story just afterwards.
Are You Listening? / Younger and Wiser Writer: Warwick Gray Artist: Colin Andrew |
Summer 1994 |
The First Doctor, Steven and Vicki materialise in a computer-city named Xenith, which is delighted to have visitors at long last and sends a translation drone to greet them. But the approaching robot startles Vicki, and the frightened travellers retreat to the TARDIS and depart, leaving Xenith alone once again. Some time later, the Seventh Doctor returns to Xenith with Benny, to make amends for his previous incarnation's mistake. Xenith reveals that he is dying, and Benny convinces the Doctor to trust the city's good intentions. The Doctor thus repairs the damage, restoring Xenith to full life again, and making a new friend.
Time-Placement: The Doctor is alone with Bernice and wears his light jacket. We place it after Pureblood.
Note: Are You Listening? is a 1st Doctor story, while Younger and Wiser features the 7th Doctor.
Under Pressure Writer: Dan Abnett Pencils: Vincent Danks Cam Smith |
Yearbook 1992 |
The Seventh Doctor tells Ace a story from his past. His fourth incarnation materialised on a British submarine under attack by Sea Devils, and the submarine was then contacted by the Third Doctor, who was co-ordinating the mission from the surface. The Fourth remembered that it was his intention to contact the Sea Devils peacefully, and try to negotiate peace between them and the humans; however, he succeeded only in awakening a species which still desired the eradication of the upstart human race. Now the Fourth Doctor must solve the crisis without alerting his past self to his presence, and thus changing history. Without identifying himself, the Fourth Doctor worked with the Third to translate the Sea Devil transmissions and transmit their own, false message, claiming that the Earth was still under threat. The Sea Devils retreated to their hibernation chambers, and the Fourth Doctor departed before the Third could find out who he was.
An article in the 1991 Year Book suggests that this story comes immediately after The Chameleon Factor.
Metamorphosis Writer: Paul Cornell Artist: Lee Sulivan |
Yearbook 1993 |
The Doctor and Ace materialise on a cargo ship carrying genetically blank human embryos to Earth, where they will be imprinted with the genetic codes of their foster parents. A number of embryos have disappeared, and the captain has arrested the ship's medic, Harding, believing that he intended to sell them on the black market. However, Harding has lost his mind, having been traumatised by some terrible recent experience, and the Doctor points out that the glass from the embryos' containers have been broken from the inside. The Doctor senses something happening to him and realises that his own body tissues are changing in response to a signal being beamed at the ship. He has the captain activate her ship's distress beacon, which blocks the signal and forces a party of Daleks to attack the ship in response. Ace manages to shoot and kill one, but the others seize control of the ship. The Doctor and Ace surrender, and the Daleks recognise him and have him confined to the medical bay while they deactivate the beacon. As the Doctor had suspected, the Daleks are transmitting a signal which is mutating the blank embryos into Dalek hybrids, and his own regenerative abilities have rendered him susceptible to the signal as well. The Daleks depart, leaving the Doctor to turn into a Dalek, but the Doctor turns this against them by forging a telepathic link with a hybrid embryo. The embryo enters the Dalek casing which Ace damaged earlier, pilots it back to the Dalek ship -- and collides with it, destroying the Daleks.
Time-Placement: Before Love and War.
Source: Cameron
Dixon |